Thursday, October 4, 2012


This afternoon I re-read the post I made yesterday and felt like it was a little more cynical/sarcastic than I'd intended...Chris was watching the debate as I was typing so maybe that made me be a little more feisty than normal!?!

Anyway, I just want to make it known that I really do enjoy every day with Emma and love her to death. She is a great baby - too good, probably - in that she sleeps through the night with no problems, puts herself to sleep for that matter, rarely cries or is fussy, is perfectly content playing by herself, does great in public (for now at least), and I could go on. Everywhere we go we make friends. She smiles her big toothless grin when anyone talks to her and they always say, "What a happy baby!" And that she is. I'm not so naive as to think that all of our children will be like this or that she will even always be like this. I'm sure that we have our fair share of challenges down the road with her! She absolutely makes us want 20 more just like her - I can finally see why people like the Duggars have so many kids! Although being pregnant off and on for the next 20 years is not that appealing to me, even though I had a wonderful experience being pregnant. And I would never be able to come up with 20 names that start with E. 

Today is her 1/2 year birthday! Unbelievable. She brings us great joy and we thank God every day for her! I just hope these next 6 months go by a little slower :)... I won't hold my breath though!

My plan is to take some 6 month pictures this weekend as long as the weather cooperates, but until then I'll leave you with this:

She LOVES to eat. And she'll eat anything: prunes, peas, carrots, green beans, you name it. And if you don't get it to her fast enough, you will pay. 

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