Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Welcome Baby Isaac!

This Monday my bestie welcomed her sweet baby boy, Isaac James, into the world! I did not want to miss his arrival, so as soon as Michele told me that she was in labor, Emma and I left for Georgia on our first ever trip alone. And we survived! Although it is much easier to travel with Chris, as I needed four more hands to rangle all of our stuff, and of course, we miss him :).

It was a quick trip - we stayed only two nights, just long enough to be there for Isaac to join us and then head back. I am grateful for God's protection throughout our travels, as the conditions were terrible! It rained the whole time we were gone, including at 1:00am when I was heading to ATL to the hospital. Then on my way back home the next day, traffic was awful, which is no surprise if you've ever driven through Atlanta. 

Just a quick thought for anyone that is pregnant or will have kids sometime in their lifetime... Everyone says, "Oh they grow up so fast!" or "Enjoy it because you these days will be gone before you know it!" which does get kind of old. Thanks for the advice! I will try my best to enjoy this day that involves no sleep, poop everywhere, spit-up in my hair, a crying baby, and a messy house. Sounds like a real party! 

People should tell you what to REALLY expect when it comes to your newborn baby and growing. They are correct, they do grow fast, but no one told me at least, about the timing of said growth. Most newborn clothes are for babies up to or around 8lbs. So for those of you that order your baby value-sized, you can forget anything with a newborn tag on it! Just pass right over to the 0-3 month clothes and try not to get too depressed when you put your 2-week-old baby in a 3 month onesie. You work so hard for 9 months to make this baby and can't wait to enjoy this tiny newborn that you have been dreaming about for all of this time only to realize that the "newborn" stage really only lasts for a few weeks, tops! I remember having SUCH a hard time packing up her newborn clothes at only a few weeks old. Someone should really petition Carter's to start sizing their clothes in numbers that do not involve months to help new moms avoid this minor state of depression. It took a while, but I eventually came to terms with the fact that Emma is flying through clothes, as we are in the 12 month clothes at 6 months! Yes, she is healthy, which we are thankful for, but geez, can I just soak up a little more of this girl before she is on her way to college?! Which at the rate that she is growing could be sometime in the next year!

Anyway, back to my original thought...newborn baby Isaac. I will only post this photo of him which was already posted on Facebook, so that Mom & Dad can be the first to share more of him with the world:

Precious angel! He is 9lbs 15oz and 22.5in long with the most adorable blonde hair. He looks like he should be wearing swim trunks and holding a surf board with that head of hair. I could just eat those cheeks! Oh, and he was born (to his choosing) on his due date of October 1st! How cool is that?? We are so glad that you FINALLY made your debut, Mr. Isaac and can't wait to watch you grow up, which will happen all too fast. 

"Every good and perfect gift is from above..." - James 1:17

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