Monday, October 29, 2012

Pumpkin Time!

After my mother-in-law's birthday weekend o' fun, we went to a pumpkin carving party hosted by friends of ours from our small group. We really love this group and enjoy meeting with them each week! The Woods' host this festive get together each year and when Julie asked if I would help with the food, I of course agreed. Afterall, it gives me a chance to make up all of the cute things I've seen on Pinterest! Julie made the SUPER cute Halloween tree with the SPOOKY letters inspired by this post and I made the little printables. It was fun to do!

Witches' Brew....Bahahaha!

 Stack o' Bones and Wicked Witch Hats

Candy Corn Treats

She was more interested in the plants than the camera, no surprise...

Sweetest Girl Ever 

Julie's Pumpkin Collection 

Carvin' time!

Julie with her crazy pumpkin eyes :)

Happy Halloween!

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