Saturday, October 6, 2012

New Post? Check.

Every day I wake up with a grandiose list of plans to achieve. I LOVE lists, and even more than that, I LOVE LOVE LOVE to check things off of my lists. I am Type A/busy-bee/OCD/go-go-go. The problem I seem to be running into (which really, I know everyone says this) is that I do not have enough time or energy to get through my grandiose plans anymore! As is life with a baby, I guess. In my life pre-baby, I did not have this issue. And back then, I thought that surely I, the most efficient person I know, would be able to take care of a sweet baby AND do everything else that I wanted to accomplish each day. Oh how that thought has changed! I have been humbled and given a new respect for all of the moms/caregivers out there. Taking care of a little person is a LOT more time consuming than I'd planned! Someone should've given me this article that floated around Facebook (thanks, Irene) a long time ago:

Can I get an AMEN??!! Funny how the simple task of running into the grocery store for a loaf of bread turns into a 30 minute ordeal! 

All of that being said, I wouldn't change my life with baby one bit. It is TOTALLY worth it. Yes, there are things you have to give up - like going to bed when you want to, being able to run here or there "real quick", going to the movies (unless you get a sitter), etc. But in return you get the most amazing blessing of all - a tiny person that you get to love so much who loves you too, and have dance parties with, and late night snuggles, and tickle fights... Suddenly all of those things on the checklist don't seem so important. Because at the end of the day, it won't matter that the trash hasn't been run out yet or that the laundry still hasn't been folded. Which, I'm not gonna lie, does make me a little crazy. It is just going to take some adjustment and re-prioritizing to get that Type A in me to calm down a little (I'll put this on my list of things to do for tomorrow).

So, I leave you with this:

...and we are going to bed. Thank you Lord for a busy day and all of the blessings wrapped up in it.

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