Saturday, October 13, 2012

Emma is 6 Months!

This month our little Emma bear is 6 months old, which I just CANNOT believe! We trekked out today to take some photos, which I'd intended to do last week, but the weather was less than desirable. Thankfully, today was BEAUTIFUL! So off to Maryville College we went.

Before I reveal the goods, I should tell you that these days it is SO HARD to get this girl to smile at the camera. It's like she knows. As soon as the camera comes out she can't turn her head fast enough to the exact opposite direction. And unless you have a circus act going on behind that camera, there will be no smiling. The few passersby today probably thought WE were the circus, as I am banging with the rattle on the silver bucket singing the theme song to "How I met Your Mother" - which really does make her laugh. I don't know why. Anyhow, our work was for naught because she did not smile at any of that. But I did get a few! 

And I should also thank my sweet husband for reluctantly being my assistant. I think the smiles we did get were because of him :).

Here's a snapshot of Emma at 6 months:

  • She is 19 lbs 15 oz and 26.75 inches long
  • She can roll over both ways and sit up all by herself, making diaper change time a bit challenging
  • Her favorite toys are her toes, her Chick-fil-A cow, and her paci
  • She is quite talkative these days, although we don't understand one word
  • She LOVES LOVES LOVES to "pet" the cats and the dog; and yes, by pet I mean grab a handful of fur in her death grip

We love our little monkey!

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