Monday, November 5, 2012

Mimi's Here!

With all of the fall fun we've been having, I have fallen SEVERELY behind here! So forgive me that this is old news...still wanted to post the photos though!

Two weeks ago I was able, thanks to the HUGE help from my sweet Momma, to go to a marketing retreat with all of the ladies that work in marketing for the Knoxville area Chick-fil-A's. It was so great to get away - though a bit scary at first - and take my mommy hat off for more than a couple of hours. It also helps that we have an AWESOME group of women here and the days were probably more full of laughter than anything else. We did manage to get lots of work done, should any of our operators be reading this :). And it is so refreshing and energizing to get together and out of our busy, everyday routines to regain focus. LOVE that we work for such a great company that alllows us to be able to do this. Here's the view from our cabin...B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L. Have I mentioned how much I LOVE where we live??

While I was away, my Mom came in to help Chris with Emma, which was very much needed and appreciated! She is a great help with Emma, dinner, doing things around the house, and is good company. Despite what she may think, we really love when she visits! I asked Chris if he wanted to switch jobs when I got back home....let's just say he's not giving up his position any time soon.

The next week that Mom was here was a busy time! Saturday we went to our church's annual Hoe Down for food & fellowship with a side of lawn mower racin' and line dancin'. The lawn mower racing was HILARIOUS. Unfortunately the only photos I got of the event were super blurry due to the dark and rainy weather. 

Mimi and Emma

Blurry, but love it!

Instead of playing with all of the toys we brought her, Emma kept herself entertained by gnawing on Mimi's gloves. Silly girl.

Part of the lawn mower racing was that each driver had to dress up and decorate his mower. This group had the BCC Minow (our church's initials) and went as the cast from Gilligan's Island - hilarious!

Ashley and Emma

Sweet girl, smiling at Mimi

 This is Cavette, one of the nurses that cared for us when Emma was born! So fun to be able to connect with her almost 7 months later!

Hannah and Emma

Just us girls

She was a bit preoccupied with all of the flowers...

Mimi loves her girl!

...I do too

Just thought this was funny for two reasons - 1) Here are two big, tough guys with their pink, girly girls; 2) Emma is mesmorized by other babies, especially crying ones, LOL.

Despite the cold, we had a fun time! Glad to have been able to share a glimpse of our sweet church with my Mom. We really love it there!

SO much more to come!

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