Monday, November 19, 2012

Athens, I Love You - Part 2

Oh my - here we are again and it's been another week with no posts! As soon as I think that life couldn't possibly get any more hectic or crazy, it does just that. I really thought that last week would surely be the death of me due to all of the preparation that needed to be done - both on the home front and for work - to be out of town for a whole week for Thanksgiving + Emma's 2nd tooth broke through + nursing strike + she also came down with a virus of some sort = no sleep (again) & not enough hours in the day to get everything done. I don't know why I do this to myself, I mean, I'M the one that plans all of the events for our restaurant! I should really learn to merge my work calendar with my personal one because it was REALLY hard to get everything together for the 10 million things we have going on right now at work, plus get everything at home done. BUT we made it out alive and have surpassed the worst of Emma's first sickness, we hope. And because of my OCD side, I feel like I have to post things in order, so I'm going back to our trip to Athens two weeks ago to finish up...

SO, after our fun at our old Chick-fil-A home, we went to tailgate for as long as the babies would allow. Not too long after arriving Isaac had the first meltdown, with Emma following shortly behind. Which was not surprising seeing that we'd been out for several hours and she hadn't slept at all. But we did manage to snap a few photos while we were out...

Sweet sleepin' boy, with his hair all spiked!

You can't tell, but there is a TV with satelite hooked up in the back of someone's car for the guys to watch all of the early games. Now that's REAL tailgating!

Begin meltdown.

After the tailgate we went back to Irene's parents to let the babies rest and watch the game. Well, I guess we'll be honest - James watched the game and we girls caught up, doted over baby Issac, and took photos:

So precious! Hard to remember when Emma was that small, even though it was just a few months ago!

It had been a LOOOONG day! 

My best ladies!

After the game was over we picked up the guys and went to dinner:

Love my girls!

Sunday we woke up and leisurly headed out of town, but before we left Chris had to stop so we could snap a few photos of our future Bulldog :)...

(Didn't feel to confident about her sitting up there on her own)

One last shot of downtown Athens. We LOVE Athens and hope to be able to return in years to come for this fun tradition. It is always good to get back home. GOOOOO DAWGS!

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