Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Tour de Georgia - Stops 1 & 2

Let me start by saying that I have done a TERRIBLE job keeping the camera handy this trip. I think that in surviving the last week I lost part of my brain that I just might not get back. Anyhow, we are visiting family on our Tour de Georgia, as I like to call it, for Thanksgiving. 

First stop was with my Dad and his side of the family where we got to visit him, my stepmom Darlene, my sisters DeLanna and Destini, and my Granny and Papa. Unfortunately I didn't take a SINGLE photo at this stop :(. I guess it's because we didn't do anything really eventful, except eat and catch up for an evening and the next day. This was actually perfect because with the busy week we had plus the travel, it was nice to just relax and enjoy each other's company around great food.

Stop number two on our tour was at my Mom and Tim's. Here we got to see them, my brother Jonathon, and Grandmother and  Dennis. We missed you, Anthony and Leah! Since we wouldn't be seeing them on Thanksgiving day (we try our best to rotate families for the holidays) we had Thanksgiving dinner on Monday night. We had all of our Thanksgiving favorites, including a FANTASTIC fried turkey by Tim. Again, bad at taking photos, so I didn't get any of Mom, Tim, or Dennis, :/ but here are the few that I did steal off of Grandmother's camea before she left :)...

First Thanksgiving as a family of three!

                     Cutie Pie                           Emma with my lovely Grandmother

"I LOVE your necklace, Grandmother!"
 [We might be in trouble with this girl - she is always going for the bling!]

The spread. We ate 'til we were stuffed then went back for seconds. It was awesome.

Emma also LOVES her Uncle Johnny 

As any kid these days, Emma would much prefer to play with any piece of technology rather than any of her toys. She is going to know more about tablets and phones than any baby should!

We are thankful for our families and the opportunity to travel to see them!
Love you ALL! 

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