Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Tea Time

One last fun thing I wanted to do with my Mom while she was in town was to have a girls only lunch at this cute little tea room just off downtown Maryville called the Vintage Tea Room. It will be especially fun when Emma is older, but I'm still glad we went to check it out! 

The place has been really nicely done and would be great for a little girl's birthday party, bridesmaids luncheon, ladies meeting, etc. I think the ladies that worked there thought I was some sort of paparazzi - they kept looking at me funny while I was taking photos... Promise I'm not trying to steal your idea, ladies! Just trying to capture the day. 

Anyway, lunch was nice as was the tea - although we did not get traditional tea, iced tea is much more like it for us common folk :). And unfortunately it didn't last very long, as Emma is in a very grabby stage and nearly cleared the  fancy table with every reach. But it was fun nonetheless!

[So I JUST figured out how to make all of the photos bigger...MUCH better! Now you don't have to squint at your computer screen]

She is in this phase of finding her voice I guess, where she squeals VERY loudly, as if she is trying to remind you of her presence. Enter paci.

LOL at that face! She really does smile ALL of the time..there will just be no photo evidence of it.

"What are you having?"..."I'm not sure, but that sweet bread sounds delicious!"

 Such a fun place! It is a special memory with Mimi that I hope to re-create in years to come when Emma is older and will enjoy it so much more.

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