Friday, November 9, 2012

Athens, I Love You - Part One

Last weekend we took a trip back to our college home for Homecoming - our 
Chick-fil-A Family Homecoming, that is. We started this tradition last year as a way for all of us who lived and worked together for our college years to get back to our second home and see each other. It just happened to be on UGA Homecoming weekend both years! 

The first night we were there, we went to dinner with our Chick-fil-A "Dad", Shane, who we all worked for back in the day. He is one of the reasons that we have all made it to where we are today in our careers with Chick-fil-A and has become over the years a great mentor and friend. This year was the skeleton crew, as we were missing several "family members" for various reasons, so dinner Friday night was literally family, with us plus my brother- and sister-in-law.

Emma with "Uncle" Shane - He's not quite ready to be a Grandpa :)

 Despite being out WAY past her bedtime, Emma was a champ! Thanks to entertainment from Uncle Shane and Aunt Irene

It was absolutely lovely to be back in Bulldog Country! Living in the land of bright orange really takes its toll :). It is so funny how people rally together around college football in the south. On game weekends no one wearing red and black is a stranger and there's something about seeing that Georgia "G" that just stirs up all kinds of excitement in me! Naturally, we just HAD to dress Emma up as a little Georgia cheerleader. As I told my Mom, we have been dreaming of dressing our baby up in UGA ever since we left there! And I must say, she was the most ADORABLE cheerleader ever...


We met Michele, James and their new addition, Isaac, at our Chick-fil-A home for breakfast so that we could mingle with the crew that we once worked with. Well, some of them anyway. Every time we visit there are more and more faces that we do not recognize! But it was great to see the few that we did... 

Emma LOVED everyone's nametag. Go for the shiny metal - that's my girl!

Emma was enthralled by baby Isaac! She squealed at him, wanted to touch him, then pulled his hair. Poor baby. She's gonna be THAT kid at school, LOL. It was so cute to see her with him! 

This one of us is my FAVORITE from the weekend, I think! We FINALLY caught that elusive smile!

I could just eat those cheeks! Sweet boy. 

Love this one of Irene and Isaac, too. Emma is after the nametag again...we'll have to make her one of her own! 

Emma loves her Uncle Daniel!

Family with Sully

Family with Shane
[Had no idea that Emma was wearing her hairbow gangster style, LOL]

So that turned out to be way more photos that I was thinking! We'll have to post the rest tomorrow. There's a few from the tailgate, some of us girls, everyone out to dinner and a few from around town to come!

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