Thursday, November 8, 2012


This past month has seemed especially hectic, not just because of all of the family in town & traveling we've been doing, but add to that all of the craziness that ensues with this time of year for work and an erratic sleep schedule from Emma due to growth spurt + teething + constipation :(. [Side note: No one tells you that there are certain baby foods that stop them up...things like apples and bananas... or that there are baby foods that help that issue, like peas, prunes, pears - "P" is for poop the nurse said. Somehow I was TOTALLY in the dark about all of that and the poor girl was pooping rocks for a couple weeks which did not make for happy sleeping.] 

Here she is this week...She LOVES bath time now that it involves lots of toys - she has become a toy hoarder, LOL...and in the second photo she is enjoying her first strawberry! Her first tooth broke through this week, although you can't really see it but you sure can feel it...

Anyhow, our schedule has been so off-key that I have been nearing the edge of insanity. I feel like no matter how hard I work, I CANNOT get caught up. Like I am a hamster on that little wheel running with all my might, only getting nowhere. I thrive on structure and schedule and for the last month we have been far from it! 

Thankfully, I can see the light at the end of this crazy tunnel as we have a free weekend coming up - our first free weekend in about a month - and we have reclaimed our nights for the most part (sure as the world, as soon as I say this we won't get a full night's sleep for a week). The days are still a little  wack-a-doo but I am surviving them!

So now that you know where I am you'll appreciate this...I am still doing the 40 Days in the Word devotions that I mentioned here, although I have failed at doing them 40 days in a row :/. Better late than never, though, right? Anyway, today's message just reminded me how perfect God's timing is and this never ceases to amaze me. The verse for today was Psalm 119:28 - "My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word." Weary? YEP, that's me! I am so worn down by the race of life that I feel like I am unraveling at every seam. In Galatians, joy is listed as one of the fruits of the spirit and Nehemiah 8:10 says, "...the JOY of the Lord is our strength." So as I piece all of this together, I know that I just need to make time each day to be in His Word. This is easier said than done, but He is able to do what I am unable and His promises are true. For that, I am thankful and am ready to tackle another day!

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